Bücher- Books Kirmes and Fairground
- Jubilee Steam Gallopers - Paul Braithwaite
64 Pages with English text and photos from John Carter,s Steam Gallopers.
€ 15,00 - Fairground Heritage Volume 1 - Peter Wilkes
72 Pages with English text and photos from the years 30.
€ 15,00 - My Travelling Family by Eleanor Green - Tommy Green
96 Pages with English text and photos about the Mitchell Family.
€ 15,00 - The Great Nottingham Goose Fair - Peter Wilkes
56 Pages with English text and photos about this famous Fair.
Many pictures about the attractions and transports.€ 15,00 - Pleasurelands - Vanessa Toulmin
96 Pages with English text and photos about the English Fairground Scene.
€ 15,00 - Showmen of the Past - Hancocks of the West - Kevin Scrivens & Stephen Smith
194 Pages with English text and photos.
€ 20,00 - Philip Bradley Fairground Photographs & Notes 1932-1938
68 Pages with English text and photos.
€ 15,00 - The Travelling Cinematograph Show - Kevin Scrivens & Stephen Smith
177 Pages with English text and photos.
€ 15,00